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Align Yourself With Government Programs And Vision…Oluremi Tinubu says..

Align Yourself With Government Programs And Vision…Oluremi Tinubu says..

The First Lady, Senator Oluremi Tinubu has urged youths in the country to align with government programs and vision to enable them maximize the various opportunities that are available.

The First Lady was speaking while receiving in audience at her office at the State House, Abuja, Executives and members of the Youth Wing of the Christian Association of Nigeria, YOWICAN.
Senator Oluremi Tinubu urged the Association and the Church to preach the gospel of unity more and promote the needed ‘Nigerianness’ rather than ethnicity or culture.

The First Lady also admonished the guests to share the message of investing in lives especially in Technology which she said is very good when used positively.

She shared some of the programs of her office through the Renewed Hope Initiative, RHI which include the Unity Fabric competition with a N25m prize money and the Every Home A Garden competition with a prize money of N20m.
The First Lady also prayed for the guests and Nigerian Youths in general.

Earlier in his remarks, the National Chairman of YOWICAN Enwere Belusochukwu applauded the various initiatives of the First Lady especially through the Renewed Hope Initiative, RHI. He also asked for her inputs on the proposed quarterly Breakfast Prayer Meeting of both Christian and Muslim youth and also on the proposed National Christian Youth Resource Center which will include a skill acquisition center among other facilities.
She was later presented with an Easter card and the uniform of the Association by the Executives.

Galaxy tv reports that the First Lady was decorated as the Grand Patroness of the Youth Wing of the Christian Association in July 2023.

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