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Police Arrests 10 Students over Violent Clash in Ibadan

Police Arrests 10 Students over Violent Clash in Ibadan

No fewer than 10 secondary school students have been arrested in Ibadan over a violent clash between students of IMG and Oke Bola Comprehensive High Schools.

The students on Wednesday afternoon engaged in a violent clash using different weapons including cutlass, Knife, Axe and others. Although the cause of the clash remains unknown.

An eye witness told our reporter that one was feared dead while several others were injured

Also, several cars parked by the roadside were damaged by the students.

The Public Relations Officer of the state Police Command,  CSP Gbenga Fadeyi while confirming the incident said the clash was between two schools in Oke-Ado and the police’s swift response led to the arrest of 10 students.

He said the commissioner of Police in the state, Shina Olukolu has ordered that the Area Commander in Iyaganku and the Divisional Police Officer in the area should handle the situation and ensure law and order in the area.

He disclosed that parents of the affected students have been invited by the police adding that policemen are working assiduously to unravel the immediate and remote causes of the mayhem.

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